MISC - Transactions To Track
Credits: ant#8260
DONE - buy hero -- hero goes to your wallet automatically
DONE - list hero -- (Non-taxable)
DONE - sold hero -- need to trace the buy logs as the info is in there with jewel price
DONE - summon hero -- making a summoning crystal
SKIP - list for hire -- (Non-taxable)
DONE - rent out hero -- renting out your hero for $ for summoning
DONE - level up
SKIP - give hero -- (giving people your hero)
SKIP - get hero -- (getting heroes from people)
DONE - create/buy seeds -- using 2 tokens to get 1 lp token
DONE - split seeds -- using 1 lp token to get 2 tokens
SKIP - deposit LP (so you can harvest later) -- (Non-taxable)
SKIP - withdraw LP -- (Non-taxable)
DONE - harvest lp
SKIP - buy lp -- ? is this possible (buying lptokens/seeds)
SKIP - sell lp -- ? is this possible (selling lptokens/seeds?)
SKIP - get lp -- ? is this possible (people sending you lptokens/seeds?)
SKIP - give lp -- ? is this possible (sending people lptokens/seeds?)
DONE - trade tokens for tokens
DONE - trade tokens for "eth"
DONE - trade "eth" for tokens
DONE - stake
SKIP - harvest/claim (LP Fees are claimed and sold for jewel and deposited globally)
DONE - unstake
SKIP - start quest -- (Non-taxable?) (All quest goes to same contract for now)
DONE - claim rewards / Complete Quest
DONE - sell item for dfkgold -- 0xe53bf78f8b99b6d356f93f41afb9951168cca2c6
DONE - buy item using dfkgold -- 0xe53bf78f8b99b6d356f93f41afb9951168cca2c6
SKIP - give item -- ?
SKIP - get item -- ?
SKIP - bridging to avax
Last updated