NOTES - Swap + Escrow

So here a bit of orders/orderbook concepts from a traditional exchange come into picture

  • When you create an order, be it sell or buy type, if it's not a market buy/sell...You are creating an escrow address that holds your bid/ask amount

  • If you are market buy/sell, you are trading with someone's escrow address.

  • The order/escrow's first txn has the note: OPEN ORDER

  • Partial execution is something like: partial fill

  • Need to find the case where the escrow/order is fully filled

Posting a base64 decoded tx_message:txn:note  
{"LGRN26YU3XVI4FLZPDCDGDHQUMKM2A3CGNOFPGK3CSW7RIE4M3PWYC2P2E-254121594-[execute_partial]_[asa] ":{"orderEntry":"1-3-0-254121594","price":3,"n":1,"d":3,"min":0,"version":7,"escrowAddr":"7KYIOB2AIDIKPQN5QLJQTKQAWKG6GTIOQ7S6G5HSD7D77OIW6QCFYEPAQ4","algoBalance":498000,"asaBalance":14684501,"escrowOrderType":"sell","isASAEscrow":true,"orderCreatorAddr":"LGRN26YU3XVI4FLZPDCDGDHQUMKM2A3CGNOFPGK3CSW7RIE4M3PWYC2P2E","assetId":254121594,"forceShouldClose":false,"useForceShouldCloseOrNot":true,"txnNum":0}}

  • execute_partial -> case where the order has partially filled, there's still some amount left in the orderbooks

  • escrowAddr -> escrow wallet Now interesting bit is mapping all buys and sells... Since every partial buy/sell is to be counted Here's a escrow as a case study:

  • The very last set of txns are all: execute_full as in the final sell/buy that filled/completed the order

  • Order placement/open:

  • Partial fill:

  • Execute Full/Close/Filled:

Last updated