If you read the docs, all of these transactions are in particular sequence in the tx_group.
The order of what's where in the tx_group changes based on what assets are being swapped ( ASA vs ALGO )
But the majority of the non-unique stuff stays the same. ( Fee / app call txns in the group )
And, to arrange into the order within the tx_group_id, you have to rely on the 'intra' field. Maybe invoke something like this:
SELECT row_number() OVER (PARTITION by TX_GROUP_ID ORDER BY intra) as order_num
This gives you tx ordering starting from 1 to N, 1st almost always is the fee, 2nd the app_call txn
You can later build something like ( for swaps ):
filter_buys as (
COUNT(tx_id) as totals,
MAX(CASE WHEN order_num=1 THEN sender ELSE NULL END) as wallet,
MAX(CASE WHEN order_num=2 THEN sender ELSE NULL END) as app_call_sender,
MAX(CASE WHEN order_num=4 THEN sender ELSE NULL END) as final_sender,
MAX(CASE WHEN order_num=3 THEN tx_message:txn:amt/1e6 ELSE NULL END) as algo_amount,
MAX(CASE WHEN order_num=4 THEN tx_message:txn:xaid ELSE NULL END) as token_id,
MAX(CASE WHEN order_num=4 THEN tx_message:txn:aamt ELSE NULL END) as token_amount,
from base
GROUP BY tx_group_id
filter_sells as (
COUNT(tx_id) as totals,
MAX(CASE WHEN order_num=1 THEN sender ELSE NULL END) as wallet,
MAX(CASE WHEN order_num=2 THEN sender ELSE NULL END) as app_call_sender,
MAX(CASE WHEN order_num=4 THEN sender ELSE NULL END) as final_sender,
MAX(CASE WHEN order_num=4 THEN tx_message:txn:amt/1e6 ELSE NULL END) as algo_amount,
MAX(CASE WHEN order_num=3 THEN tx_message:txn:xaid ELSE NULL END) as token_id,
MAX(CASE WHEN order_num=3 THEN tx_message:txn:aamt ELSE NULL END) as token_amount,
from base
GROUP BY tx_group_id
Depending on whether it's a ALGO->ASA or ASA->ALGO swap, the txns and their inputs change at position 3/4.
Something similar can be done for the liquidity events, add/remove ( mint/burn of the LP token too! )
That's where the tx_id totals come into picture, swaps involve 4 txns, LP crap 5
Gets a bit more complicated if it's going to be a ASA->ASA swap but blerrghhh
Helps to have checks for totals and algo_amount being NULL to avoid weird/invalid cases